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About ADO

ADO is a membership organization for nonprofit fundraising professionals and those who work with and support them. 

We meet in person (in White Plains, NY) at least 7 times per year for interactive educational luncheons led by topic experts and development professionals, and also gather for Zoom events. 

Participation in ADO provides opportunities to learn, share your knowledge,  get feedback, and build relationships with representatives from 120 member organizations. Learn more and join.

In the words of our members, ADO is:

… incredibly welcoming

… a valuable resource

… professional pride, on display

… a support system

… a source of new ideas

… made up of people who appreciate the unique challenges of nonprofit fundraising

Did You Know?

ADO was born when six development directors gathered in the summer of 1980 to talk about their agencies and brainstorm. This group understood that they had a lot to offer one another, and that they were stronger together. That fall we offered our very first educational workshop, and the rest is history. For 45 years, we have helped our members increase donor engagement and raise more money... and make lasting friendships. 

The Association of Development Officers is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

333 Mamaroneck Ave #221
White Plains, NY 10605
(914) 281-1731

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