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Thank you for year-round programming support:

Our members say:

“I’m engaging my donors as I like to be engaged: thoughtfully, respectfully, a dash of humor, and building the relationship – and the gifts are coming!”

“I am watching our board and staff move from skepticism about being able to raise money to being engaged and empowered.”

“I was able to get approval on increasing the frequency of an event from every two years to annually, and helped increase online giving by 12% through crowdfunding for a climate change research organization.”

“A fundraising audit prompted the creation of our first annual report…which led to three times the $$$ on our annual appeal. (And we won a design award for the report as well!)” 

Our members say:

The Association of Development Officers is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

333 Mamaroneck Ave #221
White Plains, NY 10605
(914) 281-1731

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